Today I fired the deathray at the kitten and it grew 10 times in size! It's meow was loud enough to break windows and other glass. We took it down with some tranquilizers and then launched it into space in a rocket.
You may call this a waste of a perfectly good rocket, but I call it SCIENCE.
- Dr. McBeth
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Deathray Test 11
Today I fired the deathray and it turned into a kitten. This kitten could fire deathbeams from it's mouth, killing one of my minions, so I turned it into a waffle maker.
I'm gonna have to have a make your own waffle bar at the lab one of these days.
Speaking of which, I found a new lab. I'll never tell you where it is though... MUHAHAHAHA!
- Dr. McBeth
I'm gonna have to have a make your own waffle bar at the lab one of these days.
Speaking of which, I found a new lab. I'll never tell you where it is though... MUHAHAHAHA!
- Dr. McBeth
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Deathray Test 9
Today I decided to mix things up a bit and fire the deathray at a baby turtle instead of a kitten...
Worst. Idea. EVER.
When the turtle was hit with the blast from the deathray it was sent flying. It ricocheted off the walls and eventually hit one of my minions in the head. The shell seemed to fuse to his skull and the turtle then had complete control of the minion's body.
It grabbed one of my waffle maker deathrays and began firing randomly. So many of my minions were turned into waffle makers it wasn't even funny. (Well kinda...)
I was then forced to launch a mini nuke into my lab to kill it. Only 12 of my 156 minions escaped. I am going to have to locate a new laboratory and hire some new minions...
This day is off to a very bad start...
- Dr. McBeth
Worst. Idea. EVER.
When the turtle was hit with the blast from the deathray it was sent flying. It ricocheted off the walls and eventually hit one of my minions in the head. The shell seemed to fuse to his skull and the turtle then had complete control of the minion's body.
It grabbed one of my waffle maker deathrays and began firing randomly. So many of my minions were turned into waffle makers it wasn't even funny. (Well kinda...)
I was then forced to launch a mini nuke into my lab to kill it. Only 12 of my 156 minions escaped. I am going to have to locate a new laboratory and hire some new minions...
This day is off to a very bad start...
- Dr. McBeth
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Deathray Test 8
Today Captain Chaos and I fired both of our deathrays at the same kitten. This opened an alternate universe where kittens perform tests on supervillains.
Before any evil kittens could escape, we closed the wormhole with ductape and then locked it away in a shoebox. We then threw said shoebox into the lake. How we did this was beyond me. I think there might have actually just been a gas leak...
Oh well it was friggen awesome none the less.
- Dr. McBeth
Before any evil kittens could escape, we closed the wormhole with ductape and then locked it away in a shoebox. We then threw said shoebox into the lake. How we did this was beyond me. I think there might have actually just been a gas leak...
Oh well it was friggen awesome none the less.
- Dr. McBeth
Vlog Ep 3 - "The League of Washintonian Supervillains"
New faces, new waffle makers... MUHAHAHAHAHA!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Deathray Test 7
Today I fired the newest deathray prototype at the kitten test subject and it deflected the blast with its collar identification tag. The laser blast then hit one of my nearby minions who then transformed into a kitten. Does this count as irony? I'm not sure to be honest...
Well at least I won't have to pay for tomorrow's test subject. MUHAHAHAHA!
Seeing as no testing was actually done on this kitten test subject, we then removed it's collar and fired an additional deathray blast at it. The kitten then froze into a block of ice.
I told my minions to put it in the freezer so we could use it as the ice-sculpture at my next supervillain get-together. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
- Dr. McBeth
Well at least I won't have to pay for tomorrow's test subject. MUHAHAHAHA!
Seeing as no testing was actually done on this kitten test subject, we then removed it's collar and fired an additional deathray blast at it. The kitten then froze into a block of ice.
I told my minions to put it in the freezer so we could use it as the ice-sculpture at my next supervillain get-together. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
- Dr. McBeth
Friday, March 25, 2011
New headphones!

Muhahahahaha! Today I acquired a new pair of headphones! They're the same as the ones I had before (Skullcandy Skullcrushers) except these have a different design and they are less broken! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
You should definately get a pair for yourself! We need to spoil ourselves once and a while, and if you love bass you will love these headphones!
I hope you are all very jealous.
- Dr. McBeth
Deathray Test 6
Today when we fired the deathray at the kitten it increased in adorableness by about 75%. It was horrible. I watched as my minions fell for it and I wanted to vomit. Unfortunately now it was so adorable even I couldn't kill it so I froze it in cryo and locked it away in a warehouse. Never to be seen again.
- Dr. McBeth
- Dr. McBeth
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Deathray Test 5
Today when we fired the deathray at the kitten it turned into a waffle maker. You may say this is impossible, but if you were to say this I would simply reply "screw you".
I've always wanted a waffle maker... This worked out quite well for me. I think i might save this prototype.
- Dr. McBeth
I've always wanted a waffle maker... This worked out quite well for me. I think i might save this prototype.
- Dr. McBeth
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Party Hard Like A Supervillain (Animation)
Supervillains have got to party too once and a while!
- Dr. McBeth
Supervillains have got to party too once and a while!
- Dr. McBeth
Deathray Test 4
Today when we tested the new design the kitten suddenly lost gravity, floated up to the ceiling of the laboratory, and then transformed into a gecko. This gecko then sprouted wings and began dive-bombing my minions. It tried to sell us car insurance, claw out people's eyes, and scratch the scalps of the more bald minions.
I finally ended the madness by firing a harpoon at it, pinning it against the wall. I know we basically just played god by changing a kitten into a gecko, even if by accident, but either way that was pretty friggen awesome.
I love my job.
- Dr. McBeth.
I finally ended the madness by firing a harpoon at it, pinning it against the wall. I know we basically just played god by changing a kitten into a gecko, even if by accident, but either way that was pretty friggen awesome.
I love my job.
- Dr. McBeth.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Thoughts on Crysis 2
Today I finally got my copy of Crysis 2!
Here's a general summary of what I think of it:
- Amazing graphics
- Amazing gameplay
- Great story so far
- Lots of fun
In the campaign I feel like Predator, slowly picking off my prey's squad one by one and driving them to insanity. Maybe leave one to tell the tale... This is my personal technique for psychological warfare in both videogames and in real life! MUHAHAHAHA!!!
The sound effects have great detail, and every track of the musical score is pure excellence. My bass boosting headphones help out quite a bit! If you like bass, get a pair of Skullcandy Skullcrushers. You won't regret it!
I quite enjoy the multiplayer. I like the fact that I don't have to change classes to switch between the camo and armor effect, in contrast with Halo Reach where I would have to die in order to switch from camo to Armor Lock. I also like that when you use camo, you actually turn invisible even if you move (aside from a slight outline). As much as I love Halo Reach, I think the camouflage in the beta was better than the one the final build because you could be in camo and still move around a bit without reappearing. Crysis 2 actually has it right.
I think this game is fun, but that's just my opinion. If you think otherwise, go ahead! I honestly don't care... I'm too busy pwning newbs in my nano suit.
I'll give it a 9/10.
So shoot me.
- Dr. McBeth
Today I finally got my copy of Crysis 2!
Here's a general summary of what I think of it:
- Amazing graphics
- Amazing gameplay
- Great story so far
- Lots of fun
In the campaign I feel like Predator, slowly picking off my prey's squad one by one and driving them to insanity. Maybe leave one to tell the tale... This is my personal technique for psychological warfare in both videogames and in real life! MUHAHAHAHA!!!
The sound effects have great detail, and every track of the musical score is pure excellence. My bass boosting headphones help out quite a bit! If you like bass, get a pair of Skullcandy Skullcrushers. You won't regret it!
I quite enjoy the multiplayer. I like the fact that I don't have to change classes to switch between the camo and armor effect, in contrast with Halo Reach where I would have to die in order to switch from camo to Armor Lock. I also like that when you use camo, you actually turn invisible even if you move (aside from a slight outline). As much as I love Halo Reach, I think the camouflage in the beta was better than the one the final build because you could be in camo and still move around a bit without reappearing. Crysis 2 actually has it right.
I think this game is fun, but that's just my opinion. If you think otherwise, go ahead! I honestly don't care... I'm too busy pwning newbs in my nano suit.
I'll give it a 9/10.
So shoot me.
- Dr. McBeth
Deathray Test 3
Today the kitten test subject FINALLY turned inside-out! Unfortunately it then it turned inside-out again putting it back to normal...
...Except now it had heat vision... It escaped into the Seattle sewers and I think has joined forces with the first super mutant kitten.
I need a break... Hopefully my copy of Crysis 2 will arrive soon...
- Dr. McBeth
...Except now it had heat vision... It escaped into the Seattle sewers and I think has joined forces with the first super mutant kitten.
I need a break... Hopefully my copy of Crysis 2 will arrive soon...
- Dr. McBeth
Monday, March 21, 2011
I think it will be a national Crysis 2morrow...
Muhahaha... See what I did there^
General Von Splosion, one of my fellow supervillains, has one weakness and that weakness is really bad puns. So I try to make them as physically punful as I can possibly make them! See! I did it again! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Anyway, Crysis 2 comes out tomorrow. The League of Washingtonian Supervillains all seem to be very excited about this. I do not care that it copies aspects from both Halo and Call of Duty. I find it quite evil actually... MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Apparently the people who played Crysis 1 do not like Crysis 2... They claim that the first one was better and now the second one has been gamingconsolematized. I never played the first one, so I do not know nor do I really care to be honest because I will be playing it on Xbox 360... MUAHAHA!!!
I think its fun, you should too.
If you don't, then you have no friends.
- Dr. McBeth
General Von Splosion, one of my fellow supervillains, has one weakness and that weakness is really bad puns. So I try to make them as physically punful as I can possibly make them! See! I did it again! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Anyway, Crysis 2 comes out tomorrow. The League of Washingtonian Supervillains all seem to be very excited about this. I do not care that it copies aspects from both Halo and Call of Duty. I find it quite evil actually... MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Apparently the people who played Crysis 1 do not like Crysis 2... They claim that the first one was better and now the second one has been gamingconsolematized. I never played the first one, so I do not know nor do I really care to be honest because I will be playing it on Xbox 360... MUAHAHA!!!
I think its fun, you should too.
If you don't, then you have no friends.
- Dr. McBeth
Deathray Test 2
Today we tweaked the deathray prototype and fired it at another kitten. This time said kitten vanished in a bright burst of energy. The kitten later reappeared inside of one of my minion's skulls. Still not the desired effect of turning inside out and exploding. I believe we need to recalibrate the particle modulator and tweak the sub-modular exploder chip. I will keep you posted.
- Dr. McBeth
- Dr. McBeth
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Is that me dancing...? o_0
Watch that video! Not only is the song awesome but I swear the animated character dancing looks just like me! (Minus the hat)
- Dr. McBeth
Deathray Test 1
Today me and my minions tested the new deathray prototype for the first time. We fired it at an unsuspecting kitten.
Instead of the desired effect (turn inside-out and explode) the kitten transformed into a super mutant and is now loose somewhere in Seattle. We suspect he is in the sewers...
If you see him please let me know, however don't go looking for him without proper means to defend yourself because he ate the limbs off of one of my minions...
- Dr. McBeth
Instead of the desired effect (turn inside-out and explode) the kitten transformed into a super mutant and is now loose somewhere in Seattle. We suspect he is in the sewers...
If you see him please let me know, however don't go looking for him without proper means to defend yourself because he ate the limbs off of one of my minions...
- Dr. McBeth
Saturday, March 19, 2011
A look into the daily life of a supervillain... MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Thoughts on Homefront
My loyal minions,
Today I need to share my opinion of this new "Homefront" videotronic game that was released recently. I hope that you all realize that this game is a sad clone of the many other realistic shooters. The developers of this game added virtually nothing to this game to make it unique other than the fact you're shooting Koreans instead of Russians!
As a supervillain, I can appreciate having a very dark and sad plot in a game where the United States is taken over. However I don't need babies crying during firefight! It's just annoying!
Also, the voiceacting is terrible. When I play a realistic first person shooty thing I want to really believe that I am there shooting people! But the voice-acting in this game really kills the mood... It's obvious at times that they are simply reading their lines, and on top of that the loops of dialogue during firefights loop too soon!
*gets shot by Korean soldier*
In the end I feel that this game was incredibly rushed to compete with the Modern Warfare Black Ops games and I, as the gamer, feel a bit ripped off for wasting my time. Surprisingly though, some of you actually like this game! The developers must have implanted some sort of subliminal/hypnosis/mind-control device into this game to make some people think it's actually good! Truly they are almost as evil as I am. ALMOST.
- Dr. McBeth
Today I need to share my opinion of this new "Homefront" videotronic game that was released recently. I hope that you all realize that this game is a sad clone of the many other realistic shooters. The developers of this game added virtually nothing to this game to make it unique other than the fact you're shooting Koreans instead of Russians!
As a supervillain, I can appreciate having a very dark and sad plot in a game where the United States is taken over. However I don't need babies crying during firefight! It's just annoying!
Also, the voiceacting is terrible. When I play a realistic first person shooty thing I want to really believe that I am there shooting people! But the voice-acting in this game really kills the mood... It's obvious at times that they are simply reading their lines, and on top of that the loops of dialogue during firefights loop too soon!
*gets shot by Korean soldier*
In the end I feel that this game was incredibly rushed to compete with the Modern Warfare Black Ops games and I, as the gamer, feel a bit ripped off for wasting my time. Surprisingly though, some of you actually like this game! The developers must have implanted some sort of subliminal/hypnosis/mind-control device into this game to make some people think it's actually good! Truly they are almost as evil as I am. ALMOST.
- Dr. McBeth
Friday, March 18, 2011
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