Monday, March 21, 2011

I think it will be a national Crysis 2morrow...

Muhahaha... See what I did there^

General Von Splosion, one of my fellow supervillains, has one weakness and that weakness is really bad puns. So I try to make them as physically punful as I can possibly make them! See! I did it again! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


Anyway, Crysis 2 comes out tomorrow. The League of Washingtonian Supervillains all seem to be very excited about this. I do not care that it copies aspects from both Halo and Call of Duty. I find it quite evil actually... MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Apparently the people who played Crysis 1 do not like Crysis 2... They claim that the first one was better and now the second one has been gamingconsolematized. I never played the first one, so I do not know nor do I really care to be honest because I will be playing it on Xbox 360... MUAHAHA!!!

I think its fun, you should too.
If you don't, then you have no friends.

- Dr. McBeth

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