Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thoughts on Crysis 2


Today I finally got my copy of Crysis 2!
Here's a general summary of what I think of it:

- Amazing graphics
- Amazing gameplay
- Great story so far
- Lots of fun

In the campaign I feel like Predator, slowly picking off my prey's squad one by one and driving them to insanity. Maybe leave one to tell the tale... This is my personal technique for psychological warfare in both videogames and in real life! MUHAHAHAHA!!!

The sound effects have great detail, and every track of the musical score is pure excellence. My bass boosting headphones help out quite a bit! If you like bass, get a pair of Skullcandy Skullcrushers. You won't regret it!

I quite enjoy the multiplayer. I like the fact that I don't have to change classes to switch between the camo and armor effect, in contrast with Halo Reach where I would have to die in order to switch from camo to Armor Lock. I also like that when you use camo, you actually turn invisible even if you move (aside from a slight outline). As much as I love Halo Reach, I think the camouflage in the beta was better than the one the final build because you could be in camo and still move around a bit without reappearing. Crysis 2 actually has it right.

I think this game is fun, but that's just my opinion. If you think otherwise, go ahead! I honestly don't care... I'm too busy pwning newbs in my nano suit.

I'll give it a 9/10.
So shoot me.

- Dr. McBeth

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