Monday, March 28, 2011

Deathray Test 9

Today I decided to mix things up a bit and fire the deathray at a baby turtle instead of a kitten...

Worst. Idea. EVER.

When the turtle was hit with the blast from the deathray it was sent flying. It ricocheted off the walls and eventually hit one of my minions in the head. The shell seemed to fuse to his skull and the turtle then had complete control of the minion's body.

It grabbed one of my waffle maker deathrays and began firing randomly. So many of my minions were turned into waffle makers it wasn't even funny. (Well kinda...)

I was then forced to launch a mini nuke into my lab to kill it. Only 12 of my 156 minions escaped. I am going to have to locate a new laboratory and hire some new minions...

This day is off to a very bad start...

- Dr. McBeth

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